The "destruction" of an hysterical RW Karen

My long term Covid Cuz kills in a response to some hysterical christo-fascist that responded to her,

“Karen Luna”, thank you for your response. I’m interested to know what your personal experience is with each of these topics.

  1. Abortion (late stage abortion in particular) - How many women do you know personally, and are close to like a sister, who have experienced a late term abortion? How about any abortion? Did any of them opt for the abortion simply because they did not want to bring another child into the world, or were there medical issues that required making this horrific choice?

All of my friends who have experienced the process of abortion, found it an excruciatingly difficult choice to make. Every one of them would most certainly be dead now if they had not made the terrible choice. Legislation that indiscriminately prohibits abortion would have put one of these women at death’s door, and yet could not have saved their baby.

Don’t tell me about stories you’ve heard from sensational TV programs, or illustrations from a Sunday morning church service. Tell me stories about women you know personally.

  1. Transgender, reassignment, surgery, and children - What is your personal experience with any of this? Have you spent time with and held the hand of someone who is making this decision for themselves? How old were they? What was the process they experienced on the way to gender reassignment surgery?

Do you know any parents of children who are pursuing gender swap?

I personally know two adults and three families with children who are experiencing gender dysmorphia. All of them are in the process of a great deal of psychological evaluation and counseling. Every step of the process is monitored and taken very, very slowly. Many years are involved in the process, during which time they can change their mind. Only one of these people has gotten to the point of even talking about surgery … and that one person is in their late 40s. Not one single parent is considering that type of surgery for their child.

If there’s one parent in the country who wants to put their five-year-old under the knife, that parent will make the evening news. But I’m talking about people I know personally and well. People who have been like part of my family. People I have fed dinner, prayed with, held their hand.

What do your transgender friends tell you? Do any of them equate “gender-affirming care” with irreversible surgery of any sort?

  1. Immigration - I feel like it’s too difficult to immigrate to the United States. It seems to me, there needs to be a faster way to check the background of those seeking a better life here in the US. About 250,000 people per year, pass all background checks and are allowed to gain citizenship here. Every year. Once a week we hear about any illegal immigrant, breaking laws and causing trouble. And these become the superstars of the evening news. Not because they are representative of immigrants, but because they add fuel to the myth that immigration is a bad thing for this country.

Back in the early 1900s, a ship from Norway was approaching Ellis Island. My great grandparents and their young children (my grandmother, and her siblings) were aboard that ship. it had not been an easy voyage. My grandfather contracted consumption. He knew they weren’t going to let him in to the country. They would just put him back on the boat, and send him back to Norway. So when the ship was in sight of the Statue of Liberty, my great grandpa jumped overboard. Sick and weak, he managed to swim ashore. It took him over two months to find his family again.

So, that’s right… I am the great grandchild of an illegal immigrant. Desperation can make good men do bad things.

  1. and don’t even bring Hunter Biden into this discussion. He is messed up. His dad just tried to help.

But as for the first three items on this list, I truly am interested in knowing what your personal experience is. I’m not interested in what you heard on the news. Don’t tell me what you read in the paper. Tell me about the human beings you know. Tell me about your own personal experience.

(We don’t share any DNA, it’s an In-law deal. fyi)

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