Tipping My Hat To PTM

I was wondering what type of cooking ware you prefer? I like stainless steal, you can just ‘brush’ them clean under hot water, they get squeaky clean and you can see if you missed any spots. This is not true of Teflon, it seems to soak up oils. I haven’t tried ceramic yet but the old enamel ones would eventually wear.

Teflon is also very toxic.

Jan. 13, 2005 – A chemical used to make Teflon somehow got into the blood of everybody on earth. How did it get there? What does this mean for our health?

These are very important questions, says the Environmental Protection Agency. The answer? Nobody knows. To find out, the EPA has assembled a distinguished panel of outside experts. But they don’t start work until next month. Meanwhile, the long-lasting chemical continues to accumulate in the environment – and in our bodies.

Toxicologist Tim Kropp, PhD, senior scientist with the watchdog group Environmental Working Group, finds the situation alarming.

“It doesn’t break down – ever. It is the most persistent synthetic chemical known to man,” Kropp tells WebMD. “It would take your body two decades to get rid of 95% of it, assuming you are not exposed to any more. But you are.”

That’s scary. So are data from animal studies showing that PFOA causes cancer, liver damage, growth defects, immune system damage, and death in lab rats and monkeys.

I’m sure I’ve mentioned that I drove PTM from the boards over the “natural cleaner” fetish she had. I did it out of love, though, since I knew her true life interests were being neglected while she continued as a poster. I wish her well always. Jayz also - although that was inadvertent.

This “I drove so-and-so from the board” meme is AW and Mean Girl combined. Congrats.

My intentions and the outcome of my efforts were noble. I know that in my own heart so you know, Lotus - sticks and stones. Sticks and stones.

You’re an AW Mean Girl. That is all.

I use stainless steel, cast iron, and enameled cast iron.

I like cast iron the best.


Cast iron, or stainless steel. I have one omelet pan that’s allegedly “ceramic” but I don’t really trust it not to be full of some sort of snake oil.

What is AW? I myself find it to be UB (utter bullshit.)

Attention Whore

I’m partial to cast iron myself.

In your long prickly career here may I ask how many times you have uttered the phrase UB? lol

It looks like I will have to get me a cast iron pan. I usually grill or broil my meats, maybe other people pan fry?

I wish that I had a gas stove. My modern glass top electric pulsates too much heat wise, that can cause scorching.

A few times, no doubt…but not NEARLY as many times as I’ve used the AW phrase.

Link? lol


Have you ever posted a link before in your prickly career? lol

Yes, but it’s hard to poast a link here to a .jpg because the site software will just want to display the picture…and you asked for a link, so I felt obliged to give you one.

I’ll try not to ask any more tall orders of you Shorty. lol

A wise decision.