Today's lesson - video later - will be in rope coiling or yer lectric cord

After 60 fucking years I finally found the holy grail of cord coiling

you’ll see

dunno what ya call it, but I hold my hand up in the air with my thumb out kinda like a traffic cop telling you to stop, and wrap the cord around my elbow and the thumb hook, works for me.

No - then ya gots the memory in it and it don’t unroll easy

not even a fucking D minus

What I gave you a blow job tho?

I thot Navy fucks knew how to coil rope to tie them broke ships to the dock after they run into each other

That’s the black shoe Bosun’'s Mate job, I was an Airedale, our job was to lay around on the flight deck on a towel catching rays.


Does it work for hoses?

I don’t see why not

the video I found and tried was by a guy who working on boats and was taught this way to so there would be no tangles when the time came to tie up at the dock

I will try and find that video tommorror

Did you find the video yet?


still no video

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Here is a pic - do step A and stop

yer dun

ya cud throw it and it will not tangle


You might be qualified for a job at Yahoo six… you could make those articles about a photo with no photo.


I can see it

how about this one


I thought this was going to be about a boating coil, not a mountaineering coil, literally WTF?

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still doesn’t look like a video…

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Critics -

wot does it matter

just do step 1 and get back in yer tent

no more public service fer youse

What is this thread about?

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Not sure but I think BD6 discovered a way to untangle phone cords or something.

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Would this work with oldschool earphones?

Nothing works with OS earphones

that is why CC gave us bluetooth