Waiting for the Miracle

Friends, the day approacheth. We understand that the Rooselet (or Roose-ette) is due in a matter of days…a June baby.

Let us amuse ourselves with pleasant thoughts about this child, who as far as I know will be the first child born in our community since its founding.

Will s/he come before or after the Solstice? A Twin, or a Moonchild?

I am hoping for a girl child, solely because I feel she would have a broadening influence upon Roose that a boy might not have. I’m speaking in the long run here. And I hope sooner rather than later, because to most fathers a Gemini girl is a bit more comprehensible than a Cancer girl.

I am hoping she will be hale and healthy and lovely, and that she comes with a minimum of fuss or distress to her mother.

I am filled with awe at the prospects, which are fathomless.

May the child and its parents be richly blessed by this event.


We know it’s a girl. That’s what I wanted too. :smiley:


I’ve generally had better results with my female students as well. My behaviour here is anomalous for the most part…

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She won’t be using this for a while but it is ready anyway.



How old are you Roose?

Almost 37…

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Still young enough to make a good dad

My baby girl was born when I was 30

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It’s all a matter of finding the right mom.



A pic of Roose in his earlier tr0alling days. The proof of which is in Panel 3.


Do you have a name picked out Roose?

Seçil Rose…wife’s and my grandmother’s names


And after that martyred lion, right?

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Well…luckily it’s not a boy so we didn’t have a huge fight over HARAMBE.


There are 2 ways of looking at raising a child.

  1. Have it/them when you’re young… say… early to mid 20’s. Yes, you sacrifice much of your crazy, rambunctious youth, but you get to enjoy your later years somewhat unencumbered… assuming your child doesn’t end up a total fukk up in need of constant assistance. Another drawback of the early approach is that you are not as mature, disciplined or financially stable enough in your ability to raise the child.

  2. Wait until your later years… say mid 30’s to early 40’s to have a child or children. This allows you to enjoy your crazy youth and focus on your own desires and career. It also allows you to become more financially stable and maybe already have built a nest egg. You are also more mature from life’s experiences and better able to make rational decisions regarding the raising of your child.

I always wanted to grow up with my kids so I did #1. The having twins bit was an accident.


Why not both?

A girl i knew in hi school came from an Ozzie and Harriet family, except they were in their 60s married after college waited a couple years popped out a boy and girl over a 2 or 3 years, thought they were done till they had an oops baby 20 years later.

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I too was 30. I probably should have started a bit earlier or later. At 30 I was in the midst of climbing the ladder in a lucrative career and unwilling to let parenthood derail it. I was gone a lot on business and working long hours. There were a lot of times I needed to be there for him and wasn’t. It made for an emotional divide between me and my son in later years, though I’ve been able to recapture much of it and we are close today. Still, You can never get back that big soccer game or graduation night. It was also rough on my wife having to do so much of the parenting. The negative effects of that still resonate today.

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My mom and dad did that as well.