Week 5 post op open heart surgery

Yep. I had open heart surgery. Apparently I was born with a bicuspid aortic valve instead of tricuspid aortic valve. Didn’t really notice anything for years and years. Then exercise became an issue. Shortness of breath and general fatigue. Heart murmur became worse and so on. The middle of June they replaced my defective valve with a new one. Now I’m feeling pretty damn good. I start cardiac rehab today. I’m really looking forward to it. I’ve been walking since the day after surgery but I need more exercise but haven’t been cleared to do it. Kind of feel like a fat blob and need to work out.

CBT seems like a safer place these days and I wanted to share this and kind of document my progress too. Billdo inspired me. :slight_smile:


Great - better late then never

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I was super healthy other than the valve. I think that helped my recovery a lot.

Glad you’re recovering well. My RN wife has been a cardiac rehab nurse for years, you’ll be in good hands.

Oh great. Thanks.

Apparently Spoon has already shared this with you folks and told be about it. I was pretty messed up for 3 weeks on pain meds and have no memory of the fact. I just went to the lounge and read everything. Thank you everyone for the well wishes. It worked. xoxox


I think that might be what my Dad had, never really held him back for anything, except kept him out of the Navy when he tried to enlist near the end of WW2, but in his final few years as his health deteriorated his Doctors thought his funky valve might be impacting his overall health.

I guess they didn’t know how to repair valves in those days. In my case without valve repair it was terminal. They used bovine tissue which was fashioned into a valve. I told my friend, Lary that I guess I really am a heifer now. He said it was a good thing he isn’t Hindi or he’d have to worship me more than he already does. LOL He is so full of shit.


I knew a Hindi guy and no matter what happened it was all good

the roof could fall in and he would say IT’S OK

Cept fer one thing

If a Muslim walked into the room his hair would stand on end and I would get a lecture on how they are freaking animals

Yer hindi friend shuda moved to California, the cows there are very happy cows.


LOL They sure are!

Bangladeshis say, “No problem” about EVERYTHING but fail to do anything.

How’s the recovery coming along, Delilah?

Thank you asking. I had one little set back due to a cluster f at my front door. I was walking out and Spoon was walking in and our little dogs didn’t know if they should shit or go blind. I ended up taking a prat fall which made my sternum pretty sore for a couple of weeks. I had to stop weight training. But starting back on Monday. Rehab is awesome. I love working out. Cardio doc gave me a clean bill of health and told me I was awesome.


Ouch! I’m glad you weren’t too bad off. And I’m glad you’re making the most of things. Rock on!

Thanks. Spoon’s said he thinks I’ll become a a GYM Rat. It just feels good to move without the fear of passing out.

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I didn’t see this till just now. Glad it was taken care of and happier yet you feel so much better

