Yes, Sanders WON the debate

True Americans agree.


For the record, The Washington Post and The Chicago Tribune also felt Bernie Sanders defeated Clinton and other challengers to win the debate.

Bernie Sanders was the clear winner because ISIS can’t control the sun and climate change is indeed our biggest threat at the moment. On wealth inequality, it’s difficult for Hillary Clinton to overtake Bernie Sanders on this topic, especially since his championing of the cause is directly tied to being a Democratic-Socialist. In terms of the direction of the debate, it’s clear that Bernie Sanders set the stage for a progressive discussion.

Democrats have a surprisingly competitive race for their presidential nomination, and if you watched their announced candidates debate Tuesday night, you saw why. Not because the candidates, like their Republican counterparts, spent much time and effort attacking one another; they didn’t. And not because Hillary Rodham Clinton suffered grievous wounds or damaged her standing; she didn’t.

No, what came closest to electrifying the night was a Vermont senator, a self-described democratic socialist who honeymooned in the Soviet Union, and who probably can’t get elected president. Bernie Sanders demonstrated time and again Tuesday night why he’s the force vector in this race. If you watched, you now know why he attracts the huge crowds, the money, the energy of rank-and-file Democrats — a party to which he doesn’t even belong.

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) dominated Tuesday’s Democratic debate by simply sticking to the issues, without bringing up the FBI investigation of Clinton’s emails. The Washington Post and the Chicago Tribune both agreed that Sanders won the debate. The CNN Facebook poll late Tuesday evening at one point showed 80 percent of voters picking Sanders as the winner. TIME magazine had a Democratic debate poll of 106,788 when I voted, and 64 percent of respondents felt that Sanders had won the Democratic debate. At the MSNBC poll, 84 percent felt Sanders was victorious at the time I cast my vote. Over at Slate, 75 percent of respondents felt Sanders had won the debate. True, they’re not scientific, but they do measure the opinions of viewers.

The MSlıbM is falling over themselves to try and get access to the PIAPS. Hopefully once Bernie is President he just starts ignoring all of them.

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He certainly won the debate, but the competition was nonexistent. Whoever said Hillary Clinton was a good debater is crazy. She was lost up there. The others may have as well stayed home. No charisma at all. Sanders will have a much bigger challenge if Biden jumps in, and after seeing that performance I fully expect he will. Sanders is also going to have a tougher time once people start tiring of the populist slogans and start demanding detailed policy statements.

His policy statements are every bit as detailed as every other candidate’s. Why do you hold him to a higher standard?

MScorporateMedia is praying Hills, Wall Street’s friend, will be prez.

But “tax the rich” can’t be the answer for everything. “The rich” only have a finite amount of money.

What’s your point?

Do you mean besides the one on your head?

A, That’s not his answer for everything.

B, the rich don’t have a finite amount of money. The rich print money whenever they feel like it. And even if the amount of money they print WERE finite, they still have 90% of the money amassed in the hands of 1%. That’s not a sustainable model.

These new programs have to be paid for, which is doable.

But that means letting go of a lot of other financial obligations.

The real truth here is that the retiring baby boomers and the military are sending us to the poor house.

A. Yeah, its.


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Why do Sandersnistas refuse to look at the budget and acknowledge that all the freebies are great and yes, an investment in the US…but, SOMEONE has to pay for them?

You Fox “News” zombies are pathetic.

Every developed country in the world has socialized medicine and paid family leave. But, no, it can’t be done in the USA! Not the USA! The Waltons might not be worth as many billions if that were to happen!

What they DON"T have is the responsibility to provide military security to allies in Europe - that’s what WE pay for, the MIddle East- yep we pay for that too, and the Far East.

They don’t have to because we do.

That’s not FOX, that’s the REAL world you ignoramus.

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