Bangladeshi Muslim Practices Peace in NYC Subway

“The 27-year-old suspect, Akayed Ullah, is in the hospital, badly injured in the arm and torso from the device that went off in his arms, sources said. Ullah, originally from Bangladesh, told authorities he is self-inspired from ISIS online propaganda, sources said.”

Another young man causing grief.

Oh right - there is no muslim problem, there’s a MAAAN problem. I forgot - Never mind then.

PS: If only we had more gun laws, this crime might have been prevented.

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Yes, we have a MAN problem some of whom are also Muslim.

Yes - men blow shit up in the absence of a motivating philosophy all-a-the time. Islam had nothing to do with it. :laughing:

Is that what you think Islam is - blowing up people in the NYC Subway?

These fuckers don’t represent Islam. They represent terrorism.

Islam IS terrorism. History, my dear. History.

Context is everything, my dear.

If you’d like a run down of Muslim persecution over the ages that is still happening today, have a read:

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If only the pagans would have succeeded in exterminating what is now a worldwide plague. Perhaps the Burmese will have greater success.

I wonder what Midge’s take on this sign is.

The Ottomans put this sign on the Jaffa Gate in Israel, long time ago. It says, “There is no god but God, and Abraham is his friend.”

It denotes Jerusalem as a city for all of Abraham’s children.

The Ottomans murdered 1.4 million Armenians. What’s your take on that?

Were the Armenians wearing provocative clothing, or perhaps drinking?

Self-inspired. What does that tell you?

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Sounds like a genocide, probably similar to Americans murdering a similar large number of First People. What is the connection to Jerusalem?


I love New Yorkers!

Well - you obviously won’t hold it against them. I’m, I guess, just suspicious by nature so if someone who murders people by the millions walks into my home and tells me that they want to share…my stuff, then I’m less likely to believe they are acting out of friendship and generosity, than out of aggression and decept. But hell - that’s just me.

So you think he say to the sources “I’m self inspired from ISIS online propaganda”?
…Otay teach.

If they teach critical reading where you work you might want to take that class.

Sign him up, Lotus.

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