Terrorist group Antifa got their ass kicked

This weekend appears to be one of them.

I miss PTM at times like this. She would have pointed to the Menstrual Hut, and LaGuardia would have applauded.

I think you all could just leave LotusBud’s profession out of it. It is obvious that it makes her not enjoy being on the board and we can have plenty of fun arguing about other things with her. Like the all-white gated community or the elevators on hiking trails or whatever.


Or she could just stop letting it get to her.

I applaud the suggestion. In fact, I have half a dozen memes in a folder on my desktop, accumulated because they are simply funny, that I’ve refrained from using here because of this sticking point. I shall continue to look for other places to post them.

My inbox is at your disposal :slight_smile:

Fuck. Off.

It matters to me, so just be a human being. How about that?

I don’t know if you’ve noticed but I have been treating you like a human being despite the loads of assholery you’ve subjected me to over the last year but NEWSFLASH! You don’t have control over what others say and do, only how you choose to react to it.

Why you’d give anyone the pleasure of getting your goat is beyond me.

Anyways, the Antifa riots are nothing compared to those Tea Party riots. Remember those?

I miss those Tea Party guys, the random and hilariously misspelled signs, were always good for a laugh.

My daughter was telling her husband the other day about the time that I trolled the locals (through the comment section of the local paper) into going to a symbolic tea party where everyone was supposed to bring tea bags and throw them into the river at the bridge. So I set it up for 11 am on a Saturday. Ten till 11, I pulled into a McDonalds (which was in sight of the river bridge), ordered a coffee and pulled into a parking space and watched all of the “Tea Party” participant drive around the bridge in confusion wondering where the hell the protest is supposed to be. My son-in-law thinks I’m the greatest person ever.


Fooking racists

Oh shit I guess they didn’t copy hard enough

Having done logo design, it’s not uncommon for an organization that is the antithesis to borrow from the logo of what they are opposing. The idea is to emotionally connect to the original org but portray being opposed or opposite in some way.

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Nah they’re just Nazis

Hitler did nothing wrong.

One might take you more seriously if you had any certifiable evidence of their Nazism.

You are completely ignoring the argument being made here by Spoon in a couple of posts, and by me in #5.

What are agents provacateurs, Bromo? If you understood what they are, you might then address that specific argument.


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Except the Nazis were none of those things. They certainly weren’t socialist.