Can't ban guns

Yes, Prohibit CERTAIN ammunition. Not the same as “prohibit ammunition”. Do you see the difference? No?

OK then.

So prohibiting certain ammunitions isn’t banning certain ammunition? A PROHIBITION is a BAN.

Your goalposts are on rollerskates.

If I can get ammunition, they are not prohibiting ammunition.

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All I’ve said is they want to ban ammunition. That’s a fact, certain types of ammunition will be banned under this bill.

Is that too hard to understand?

If it is possible to buy ammunition, then ammunition is not banned. So when you say they are banning ammunition, you are being hysterical.

Would it appease you if I said…

They want to ban various ammunitions?

First Amendment proponents are such lying assholes… smh

Do they want to ban various ammunitions or not?

Cause that’s what the description says…

Why are gunhumpers such liars?

Where’s the lie?

I agree my gun guy here tells me the libs won’t let me buy willy pete rounds for my mortar.

If the cause is just, why do gun afficionados lie to pursue it?

What lie? It’s in the description of the bill.

Already an NFA item, per round.

Yes, you need a year long background per WP round… if you can find any to buy, that is.

What the fuck are you going on about?

So regulation and restriction of a lot of firearms already exists? hmmmmm interesting

Gunfondlers lie and other gunfondlers believe them unquestioningly.

I can only imagine what their endgame is?

(To the tune of all you need is love…)

There’s nothing you can do that can’t be done
Nothing you can sing that can’t be sung
Nothing you can say, but you can learn how to play the game
It’s easy
Nothing you can make that can’t be made
No one you can save that can’t be saved
Nothing you can do, but you can learn how to be you in time
It’s easy

All you need is guns
All you need is guns
All you need is guns, guns
Guns are all you need

What’s so interesting about infringements already done?

Why invite more infringements?