Car Camping Setup

I went and tested out my new luxury (to me after backpacking last year) car camping setup… I went back up by Ramona Falls because there’s a lot of free dispersed camping up there. You can camp up there for up to 14 days at a time.

I guess the stream just a little behind the campsite is called Lost Creek. I set everything up and went hiking for a couple miles along the creek it was great. Then I came back, had a little campfire (thanks whoever left the firewood,), cooked two Hebrew National hot dogs for dinner, smoked another joint, packed it all up and came home… I wanted to stay, it was so nice, you could hear the creek rushing from the campsite. But I have to work tomorrow. I think I’m going to head up Wed after work and see if I can get a good spot.

New tent is huge, you could fit two queen sized air mattresses in it… I’ll only be doing one. I bought a 100ft extension cord and aired it up from my car. I have another chair, I think I’m going to start setting them both out even if it’s just me.

I might get a fishing license and a little bit of fishing stuff.


Great post! Was the fire just for cooking or was it for warmth as well. Hot dogs seem like a good choice, protected and all.

It was just for cooking. It’s nice and warm up there right now cept at night.

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How fun! Looks so peaceful as well.


It was super peaceful, some cars driving by on the road occasionally but that was it. No cell phone reception either… it’s supposed to be hot this weekend, I’m just going to go lay in that cold mountain stream.

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My Amigo that does lots of overnight camping is often out of cell range, he loads lots of music videos various other videos, lectures, movies etc when he is out in the wilds.


I thought the point was to not have that stuff lol


Yeah I’m kind of glad to get away from it but sometimes it’s nice to have some cell service at night.

My old friend has what amounts to PTSD, I think sometimes he doesn’t want to be burdened by thoughts, and he gave up weed and vodka a couple years ago.

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I went and got some firewood, a mini fishing rod, some lures, hooks, bait stuff, net…I’m going to lay in the cold water and fish.


I think something like this might be cool for car camping

I keep threatening myself to get one for the deck.

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I bought a bundle of firewood earlier.


I was thinking for this kind of camping a table that folded up compact but wasn’t too small would be great… plus maybe some sort of hanging closet organizer or something to put clothes and stuff in, inside the tent…


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Just did an epic 3 nights up there, left Wed after work, came home this morning.

The fire pit up there is The Beast… I sacrificed a lot of dead trees. I think I’m mostly tired from gathering firewood for it. All the forest around it ends up in the pit. I’d light it up when the sun went down behind a mountain ridge to the west and keep it going til around 2am.


I got a fishing license night before I left cause I wanted to fish this spot… I bought this cheap mini pole but it wasn’t working so I was just hand tossing out a line with a lure on it and I caught a rainbow trout. It wasn’t but maybe a fish sandiwch though so I threw him back in.


The new tent seems awesome, but it’s never going back in the carrying case it came in. I can actually stand up towards the center of it. Lots of storage room even after fitting a queen size air mattress. Which I inflated with an extension cord from my car.

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I didn’t hear a single firework on the 4th of July… it was dead ass quiet like there was nobody for miles. Nobody even drives by on the road up there after dark. I did notice it getting busier last night and today as Portlanders try to flee the heat.

I use the campfire to cook too, just throw the iron skillet either on top a couple logs or on the hot coals. It was very relaxing, chill along the river during the day, get water from it, gather wood, start a fire, eat, relax in the evening. If I can learn how to fish I could just stay up there all summer. Coming back felt like punishment.


We have a small aluminum table for that. We put our camp stove on it to cook. It is very lightweight and serves that purpose nicely. Can’t backpack with it though. You pretty much have to drive up to your campsite with it.

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