Car Camping Setup

I’ve been hanging out at the creek a lot this week. I took the trail down as far as I could and got to almost where Lost Creek meets Cast Creek but the Beaver activity was too insane, I didn’t see any way around it. But I found this mini waterfall over what appeared to be a petrified log.

The trail is flattish but lots of knocked down trees to climb over and figure out a way through and lots of debris. Kind of like hiking an obstacle course.

Sunday night there was a bad accident on Highway 26 headed back to Portland and they had the highway closed. I thought it was a wildfire the way the sky looked and it was during a red flag fire warning. I sat in a traffic jam for an hour only to have to turn around. So I drove the long scenic route around Mt Hood and up the Columbia River Gorge which is a beautiful drive. Here’s the East side of Mt Hood from White River Sno Park…


Just gorgeous…and serene. I wish I was there.


The sound of that creek is amazing too, I want to go sleep by it some night.


I bet! It must be incredibly relaxing.

I’m thinking of taking Amtrak on a round trip up to the PNW. Just to see everything.


Come to Portland I’ll show you around. :slight_smile:


I’ll find out if I can make stops, if I can, it could be fun.

Looking at late August/Sept when rugrats are back in school.


I could make as appearance, I’ll buy lunch!


Even it you only have an hour or two layover in Portland the Train Station is right downtown, foods very nearby. In Fact if Wilf’s still in business it’s an semi swanky eatery at the station

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I was talking to my daughter and son-in-law and they suggested I get a ticket out of San Jose to Portland, hang out for a day or two, and then get another from Portland to Seattle. I think that’s a good option.

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Vancouver and/or Victoria are very nice too, if you want to get all International and travel abroad. Especially Victoria…

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Nice shots, as is the usual.

That might be worth considering. I think I have to get my passport renewed though.

I was told if you have the new super duper drivers license you don’t need the passport.

I was asked for my passport last time I crossed into Mexico. BP agent was a dick about it too.