Getting my conceal carry license

Yeah, black people broke into his house when he was back in college, decades ago.



Yeah, I heard my Grandpa say a couple racist things when I was young, I asked my Mom about and she said, when she was very young and Grandpa was working for the State Highway Department a couple black men got into a fight and one of them was stabbed and killed, and old Grand dad being born and raised in remote eastern Oregon and more than likely this being the first time he had ever seen one…she thinks he just got rattled over that, naturally, but couldn’t get past that one incident and decided that was the norm among “them”


I think that it is the element of emotional trauma that causes the long lasting effect. I saw a woman on TV once who had been raped by a black guy who didn’t want her daughter to date black men, it was a trauma thing I think. The emotion of fear is also a factor.

I got mine for the white trash and rabid trumplicans…


Stay safe.

I was having lunch in Beverly Hills with a girlfriend a few months back and a man was apprehended next door while we were eating for open carry. He was Caucasian and looked like a redneck Trumper Christian extremist.

Open carry is illegal here too but legal in the rest of OR I think. I was putting it in my coat pocket but it warmed up so I’m using a fanny pack. I might get something smaller for packing around, especially in the summer.

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Those people are screwed up in the head. Paranoid fux…

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I would want it strapped to my thigh or in a shoulder harness for easy access.

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Pocket is good in the spring/fall/winter but I probably need a little bit smaller of a gun for the summer, I think appendix carry might be the way.

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