'Negative polls are fake news'

I don’t know what a nog is. I just know that a lot of us up here thought you had something special with that guy. We loved his desire to bring you a form of universal health care (although it was a cluster fuck of accommodation). We loved his desire to work together with rightards. We love the want to bring divided people together.

What he wasn’t is a froathing at the mouth demagogue who is giving half the country the middle finger.

Honest to God Reggie, if you were the slightest bit removed from the American political machine (aka in Canada), you’d be in utter disbelief at what you’ve elected as your President.

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Truth is boring.

Which is why you generate so much excitement.

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Why, specifically? Because he was brown and no other reason? You can admit to your racism, I won’t mind.

If I though single payer would actually work, I’d support it. But it doesn’t and hasn’t anywhere it’s been tried.

Oh, that’s rich, Darla. Barry was the most divisive and stubborn and arrogant libtard to ever hold the Office. He anally fist fucked the entire country by ramming Obamacare through without a single opposition vote and with parliamentary shenanigans (that the Dems now regret because those same shenanigans will now be used on them). Every chance he had to be a unifying force, he chose divisiveness, especially on racial and ethnic matters. He was an utterly inept failure.

Riiiiiight … that’s why he gloated and said “Elections have consequences” and other arrogance like “I have a pen and a phone.”



My family were immigrants here in the 1730s. Everyone that’s come over since are interlopers.

Mine arrived here in 1728, GTFO my country, nigger!


Did I mention that I’m in the Mayflower Society, n00b?

You guys are so full of shit I’ll bet your eyes are brown.

Au contraire, Reg. My great-great-great-great grandfather Richard Lee (1753-1820) was a most interesting character whose will divided his land equally among 20 named children (he was married 5 times, 3 of them to the same woman) – and who was himself the grandson of a certain Elizabeth Allerton, who married a Lee and was herself the granddaughter of a dude named Isaac Allerton and his wife Fear Brewster Allerton, passengers on the Mayflower in 1620 and my 8th great grandparents.

My family tree is FULL of interesting characters of many ethnicities and skin shades. :smiley:

Cool you know all that, bra. My family’s quite boring by comparison. Just a few shady characters of the grifter variety, mostly hard-working tradesmen and professionals completely of superior German and Celtic (Scot) stock as far as I know, though a bit of the Irish did sneak in there on accident.

I find it funny that you asked me “why specifically” right before I replied with specifics. Do you read and reply one line at a time?

I live in Canada which has a single pay system and it works very well thank you.

Well, if he was divisive on home ground, he was anything but on the international stage.

I find it funny that none of the progs can ever admit that the ONLY reason they liked Barry so much was because he is half nigger.

I believe he wanted to make America a better place. I don’t believe that about Trump.

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I never liked Barry much. But he was far preferable to his two opponents. FAR!

Well, they both lost to him out of their own ineptitude, so there is that.

So because you couldn’t handle another 4 years of a Democrat even though she was exactly the type of Democrat a Republican could really get behind, you voted in an orange dumpster fire.

Good thinking! :clap:


I was a fan of Obama’s not head over heels in love, but he just seemed like a fresh clear voice of reason and compassion, and he seemed like a sincere guy with probably good intentions,but also I think a dirt clod could have won in '08 as long at it didn’t have an R after it’s name. 2 endless wars and the worlds economy careening off a cliff, kind of tarnished the GOP brand there for a bit.

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Hillary should have been in prison long ago. I would have preferred Bernie.

I can actually agree with most of this. I voted for Ron Paul in both of those elections.

Only Ron Paul could have saved the America I grew up in and loved.

Every time I hear Ron Paul say something sensible sounding, two minutes later he’s barking at the moon.

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Even so, Only Ron Paul could have saved the America I grew up in and loved.

Now it’s too late. The tipping point is long past. None of this will end well.