Oak's Magic 8 Ball thread

I didn’t realize you were there, Mr. Wabbit.

I was a very minor player, Duncan Idaho’s Ghola.

Av was the guy who played Idaho in the 1984 Dune (Jason Momoa plays him in the current one)

I don’t think I ever noticed it. If someone isn’t posting much they can be overlooked I suppose.

I stopped going to BF for the same reason I don’t eat from the toilet.

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Well, I tried ignoring the sewage for the time I was there. It became impossible after the negativity aimed at Spoon long after his death.


That tells me it’s not about trolling, but pure hateful derangement. A show of their true character.


I agree. How can you be so owned you’re still saying shitty things about someone that’s long gone?

It’s just pitiful.


Additionally, Mr. Wabbit, I came to question my own principles by taking part in all that filth just by being there. I had to stop.

Who wants to be on some obscure forum venting all this hatred for women, “minorities”, LGBT+…?

Cowards. It’s cowardice that keeps them hidden in the shadows…they don’t have the guts to be public about their beliefs. Because you know “consequences” and well, that’s unconstiutionalz for them to deal consequences…


I finally hit puberty this week, it took a long time, but I did it…and now I find the endless repetition and most likely drug-induced degeneracy that pervades those meltdown forums repulsive and quite boring.

I’m finding myself spending more and more time on my iPad, playing mobile games and creating art…Diablo 4 is also coming out soon, which is far more appealing than reading racist slurs or watching alpha males measure their tiny pee pees all day.

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I think it’s productive and a lot more interesting to find other ways to spend my time.

I garden, am reaching out more to my real friends and spend time with my family. I also play some mobile games and read loads of stuff. All of which are immeasurably better than that place.

Some of them over yonder really do need a padded room. I don’t know how the “macho” playacting is supposed to be funny. It’s all so embarrassing.


Question for Magic 8 Ball:

Will the alt detectives over there ever realize they can’t figure out who is behind alt/dual accounts?

Shakes 8 ball

Answer: “My reply is no”

The character known as Lotte Skoring will continue to befuddle the stupid posters at BF, of which there are many.

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Question for Magic 8 Ball:

Will Cunt Weasel always lurk in the shadows waiting to attack someone that doesn’t have a beef with her?

shakes 8 ball

Answer: “Without a doubt.”

Cunt Weasel’s are always going to cunt from the shadows. They’re weaselly like that…

Question for Magic 8 Ball:

Will the ass chapped members of BF ever get past their hurted feelz?

shakes 8 ball


“Outlook not so good.”

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. They can’t even come up with an original thought.


It’s just all so…. so…. soooooo…


I was asking myself most days “do I really need to expose myself to this bothered, un-moisturized, unable to stay in their own lane, unfocused, decaying cesspool?”

I seek clarification from Oak’s Magic 8 ball….

Shakes 8 ball

Answer: “My answer is no.”

It’s especially gratifying, my dear, when you don’t even sign in at all and they see you/us under other personas. I mean, just how easy can it get?



Question for Magic 8 Ball:

Will the caterwaulers at the other forums ever admit that they shriek about CBT regardless of what the posters here do?

shakes 8 ball

Answer: “My sources say no.”

They ought to be embarrassed at how lacking in self-awareness they are. Additionally, their stupidity doesn’t help matters any. They’ve been bleeding from their pussies about CBT for years.


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Imagine thinking you’re the smartest poster on all the common forums and you just can’t figure out who Lotte Skoring is? :smiley:

Oh, but how funny this is…you have no clue do you, braniac?

They tried to make me go to troll forum rehab…but I said no, no, no. I’d still be shitposting on that other forum if it hadn’t been for a self-banning thread…that was a blessing in disguise. I received a, you have gone 14-days without shit posting token as well, and I’m very proud of myself.

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14 whole days?!? That’s a fu…

damn, now I gotta start over… :sob:

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Admitting that you have a problem is the first step. Everyone there should be posting on that self-banning thread. Then most of them should immediately go check into a psychiatric hospital. Upon release, they will have earned a green ribbon.

BF psychos have special consideration, every month is mental health month for them. :slightly_smiling_face: