
I been reading and looking at pics - mainly WW1

Got a plumber?

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I’m surprised you don’t see the problem. It’s obvious.

looks a bit overcomplicated…

Which one is the steering wheel? And where are the Poll dancers?

Over-complicated? That is not even 1/50 of it

how about this WW!

The original was much simpler. This is a good example of Pentagon waste, boondoggling and over-complication.

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Murphys war is one of the best

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I see the problem right off. Just turn that wheel. That red one, right there.


Well there’s your problem, valve #23 is only turned 1/4 turn, it needs to be a a full 1/3rd turn.

I’ve never been inside a submarine, not even on a tour as I find them terrifying.

@LittleRambo1 … good list.

I went on a tour once - a WW2 one - I don’t know how they could build sich - back then yet -

Ya need all these valves and sich

like if flood a torpedo tube - ya gotta pump out the much from some place else
then when ya shoot it the tube floods and ya gotta get rid of more water
and then ya gotta get rid of the water in the tube and let in that much
it does not end

If ya don’t do this the whole trim changes and yer fucked

ya also got let in water the same weight as the torpedo was which is tons

Was it that time you rode a train?

I rode on many trains - when I was a yungun ya could take a train anyplace - I still have some train schedules from the 40’s

Have you ever been to Phillipsburg to ride the train?

No - I been on the Jim Thrope one