This day in US History

I think she meant Seattle Law.

I’m familiar with the “usual definitions” which I think speaks to their precision, yet is the law in effect? I’ll accept the term settled to mean uncontested.
and now - speaking of butthurt, of which I have none, are you a hastily contrived attack dual - the kind I had heard so much about?

Nice shoes. What are they, a 13 AA?

I’ve heard this phrase before, “hastily contrived attack dual.” I think it was Spoon bleating about it.

I never even show up here except on weekends, and my few poasts are thoughtful and pretty civil. I think you’re just being paranoid.


If you are not Spoon I am happy for you both - having the company of another ghey on the board. :laughing:

No they aren’t.

Is playing typo cop the best you have now, Ms. Soreass?

LMAO you prefer to rag on me for spelling than actually address the topic of the thread.

Oh yeah, you’re a total feminist and leftist…

I’m waiting for the government to declare Marshall Law.


Oh, got it. :smile:

JJ? That you?

awwww - you lub him.

Just asking if that’s him. That hardly means I love him.

Everyone is JJ till you know it isn’t. That must mean something.


No, actually, I think Croc is either Roose or JJ. I only think that because Croc is able to construct a complex, grammatically correct sentence. There aren’t that many posters here who have that ability.

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Although both of those posters say something.

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She can’t understand that coyotes actually belong in the wild.

It doesn’t much matter how well she can write if she’s dumber than a bag of hammers, is it?

Are you saying a coyote doesn’t need rescuing?

Yes, that’s what I’m saying. They can survive in the wild. Just a stab in the dark on my part, but I think it’s because they’re not a domesticated animal.

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I never said I don’t think coyotes belong in the wild. Maybe go back and see what I actually did say.

I think, possibly, Holliday, you are capable of understanding that the one and only reason Oak stands with you on this dog thing is because I am the one with the dog. If WK went hiking with his dog, and you rode his ass about it, Oak would defend him. She has no convictions whatsoever. She only has hate.

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No, I actually don’t like going out hiking and running into people with dogs.

That’s not hate. That’s a preference. Some things really aren’t about you.

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What I hate is when I’m hiking up some trail and some hot hiker chick is coming down with her dog and the dog walks up and starts sniffing my balls. It’s rather embarrassing.